Poreč is located in one of the most beautiful bays of the western coast of Istria. Once a Venetian harbour sheltered with small islands Poreč has became a gem of the Adriatic coast tourism. The population of Poreč and its surrounding area is approximately 20 thousands. In summer the town swarms with tourists who chose Poreč and its surrounding area as their vacation destination, a place for entertainment and relaxation… It is located at 4.2258 degrees north latitude and at 13.593 degrees east longitude, 29 meters above sea level.
The climate is very mild, and the summer is not too sultry. August is the warmest mouth in the year with an average temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and low humidity. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. The town has more than 3850 hours of sunshine a year, which means that on average it has more than ten hours of sunshine a day during summer. The sea temperature can reach 28 degree Celsius, which is higher than the level of sea temperature in the south of Croatia. Annual precipitation of 920 mm is evenly distributed throughout the year. There are three prevailing winds in Poreč: bura is a gusty wind that blows from the north and brings cold and sunny weather during wintertime, jugo is a warm wind that blows from the south and brings rain, and maestral is a summer breeze that blows from the sea to the land.
The landscape is dominated by rich and abundant Mediterranean vegetation, pinewood and green macchia. The soil is composed of fertile red dirt (crljenica), mixed with rock. Crljenica is highly suitable soil for agriculture (grains, fruits, olives, vegetables). Today, a significant part of Poerč’s economy depends on the production of organic food, olives, grape and quality wines such as Malvazija, Borgonja, Merlot, Pinot and Teran.